Penn Live Liner vs Shimano Baitrunner – Which Is Better?


While purchasing fishing reels, you should always try to test out a similar unit that is owned by your local angles. That way, you will get a much clearer perspective on the setup that will perfectly match your style. Otherwise, it is quite common for users to purchase expensive fishing reels recommended by other anglers that don’t match their style. So, to avoid this issue, just demo the unit to get a feel of their performance. Lately, there have been many questions regarding Penn Live Liner vs Shimano Baitrunner. If you’re also looking to purchase one of these units for your fishing adventure, then the following details might help you make a better purchase decision.

Penn Live Liner vs Shimano Baitrunner Overview

Penn Live Liner 

Even though both the live liner and Baitrunner bring phenomenal utility to the users, you’ll often notice anglers shift more towards the use of Baitrunner over Live liner. While there are some performance differences between these two units, many users believe Live Liner to be an inferior option. With that said, there are a few things that make Live Liner a better option than the Baitrunner.

Most users that shift towards the use of Live Liner are dealing with budget issues and only choose the live liner because of their better pricing. Other than that, many users have reported that live liners are a bit clunkier, and their drag system doesn’t work that well when you’re comparing them with the Baitrunner. So, if you’re looking for ideal performance, then Live liner might not be such a good option for you.

While there are some anglers that consider a live liner as a cheap knockoff, that is not actually the case. You’ll often notice experts get phenomenal fishing results while using live liners in their setup. So, if you’re experienced with your fishing setup, it is not that difficult to get the desired performance from the live liners.

All in all, Penn Live Liner is the way for users that are working on a tighter budget and don’t really want to set aside a substantial sum for their fishing reel. It is true that you won’t get the same performance as the Shimano Baitrunner from this unit. But, at least you won’t have to worry about paying hundreds of dollars extra for the reel. So, you can make the final decision by evaluating your budget flexibility.

Shimano Baitrunner

Shimano Baitrunner is the best option for users that are looking for exceptional performance and quality. Many users have said that their Baitrunner has lasted them for more than 15 years. So, if you’re looking for a safe investment and know-how to manage the care requirements of your fishing reel, then the Shimano Baitrunner might just be the ideal fit for you. From the perfect drag system to the smoothness of this fishing reel, you won’t ever find an angler talking badly about this unit.

For this reason, most users shift towards the use of Baitrunner even though it can cost a fair bit more than the Live Liner. In terms of performance and durability, there is just no comparison. Shimano Baitrunner is always the superior option, and it is quite easy to manage its maintenance requirements. You’ll just have to go through the component diagram a few times. This will help you get an understanding of how to clean and maintain your fishing reel.

In the end, it all boils down to the amount of money you’re willing to spend. Baitrunner is the only option for users with a flexible budget. That’s because you won’t ever get the same amount of performance from the Live Liner. However, if you’re working with limited funds, then there is no harm in going with the live liner option. Even though you won’t be able to replicate the phenomenal preference of the Baitrunner, you’ll still come pretty close in comparison.

All in all, Baitrunner is the better option for users trying to purchase high-quality units for their fishing setup. These units have very high tolerances, and you won’t have to worry about rust as much. On top of that, the bearing quality and the overall durability are far superior to the Live Liner. So, as long as you maintain your unit on a monthly basis, it will perfectly serve your setup.

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